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Isotine Eye Drops

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Preis (inkl. MwSt.):
160,00 CZK

ISOTINE eye drops, eye tonic without side effects

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ISOTINE eye drops are safe without side effects. They can be used every day as an eye tonic. They keep the eyes fresh, relieve eye stress and tension caused by computer radiation. They help to improve eyesight and minor vision problems with small diopters (a smaller number can be completely eliminated ) .Eye drops are also used for a long time for prevention and eye health.

They are also very helpful in these eye problems:

  • gray and green cataract
  • myopia - farsightedness
  • diabetic retinopathy: non-inflammatory retinal disease
  • macular degeneration: a serious eye disease in which there is a loss of central vision and in some cases up to vision loss
  • retinitis pigmentosa: a set of inherited disorders characterized by progressive loss of peripheral vision, which often leads to blindness


2 drops in each eye 4 times a day for the best results !!!!

If possible, drink carrot juice daily and eat almonds !!!


Butea monosperma, Achyranthus aspera, Boerrhavia diffusa, Mentha Pipreta, Purified: Yashed Bhasma, Alum, Tankana Bhasma, Tuth Bhasma, Benzilkonium Chloride, Aqua


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